Overview: Adding an article will give your employees reference materials to refer to when in the field. This is typically used for Policy and Procedure materials.
1. Click on the ‘Knowledge Base’ Module.
2. The group of policies are displayed on the side menu Panel and all Articles are listed in the Main View. Clicking on a Group Only shows the Articles related to that Group. For this example we will use the ‘HSEQ’.
3. To Add an Article or add a File or Link to an article. Click on the '+' symbol at the top Menu bar. Click on the 'Article' button
4. Add in the Details of the Article for Policy or Procedure you are adding.
- Add the Name
- Choose the Group it belongs to
- Add in the Description of the policy. The Description can be updated as required.
- Click the Tick button to save the Article.
- The article will appear under the Category it was set up as.
5. Click on the Policy from the List. For this example we will continue with the article we just made.
6. Click on the pencil button, then click on the ‘Attach File’ button from the drop down menu. This Attached File Option will not automatically update if the policy is modified in the Cloud.
7. Click on the ‘Upload File’ button or click on the ‘One Drive’ to upload from One Drive.
8. Alternatively you can click on either the ‘Google Drive’ or ‘Drop box’ from the drop down menu. This ensures when the Policy is updated in your system it is automatically updated in the Knowledge Base.
9. Log In and find your desired file to upload.
10. The file will appear in the Article, Click on the file to open and download the file.