Overview: The combo box field creates a dropdown list of options for users to select from. There are many types of Combo Boxes to choose from, including pre-set selections from Contacts, Contacts, Users etc. Only one option may be selected from a Combo Box, unless a Multiselect Combo Box is used.
This How To will show an example of a regular Combo Box, a Multiselect Combo Box and a Pre-defined Contact Combo box.
1. Click on the ‘Forms’ module.
2. Click on the ‘Templates’ button.
3. Click on the folder ‘+’ to create a new template.
4. Complete the template name and click on the blue ‘Save’ button.
5. Click on the newly created template.
6. Click on the ‘Fields’ button.
7. Click on the ‘Combo Box’ button.
8. Click on the ‘Combo Box’ button from the drop down menu.
9. Fill out the Fields.
- Give your new field a label.
- List the options that you would like to be available in your Combo Box, separated by '|' characters.
- You may also designate a default option that will be pre-populated in the Combo Box when the form is created.
- Click on the tick button to save.
You may notice it is also possible to change the type of combo box the field is from this edit screen.