Overview: General information of Forms such as automatic prefixes, owners, etc. can be edited in the 'Info' tab when editing a new/existing Form Template. For the purpose of this How To, we will be using an existing template.
1. Click on the ‘Forms’ module.
2. Click on the ‘Templates’ button.
3. Click on the folder your form is in.
4. Click on the form you wish to edit.
5. Click on the ‘Info’ Button.
6. The following form displays numerous fields that allow for various aspects of the template to be modified.
- The 'Name' is simply the name of the Forms that are created based on the template.
- Any text in the 'Prefix' field will be added to the start of a form name automatically.
- The 'Owner' field allows you to list users that will be able to create Forms based on this template.
- ‘Linked to’ allows for the Form to be created against particular items. For instance, if it is linked to Jobs, the Form can only be created under a Job.
- The value in 'Next Form ID' indicates what the ID of the next form will be and increments automatically whenever a form is created based on the template.
- Groups can be used to group relevant templates together. For instance, you may have all of your SWMS forms in a group called 'SWMS'.
- 'Notify Managers' allows for a list of people to be selected that will be notified when a form is submitted (as long as notifications are turned on in Manage Users).