This Guide will walk you through how to enable and configure the Custom Lists for the Projects Module.
1. Introduction
Our standard Projects dashboard includes a lot of information, but if you need some lists tailored to more specific requirements, you can enable the Custom Lists.
2. Click "Options"
Access the Options menu.
3. Click "Project List"
Navigate to the Project List section
4. Click "Custom Project List Settings"
Access the Custom Project List Settings
5. Enable Custom Lists
Enable the Custom Lists by ticking this box
6. Existing Lists
After enabling the custom Lists, you should see some existing lists here. If you do not, you will need to get the lists from the server.
7. Go Back
To Do so, go back to the previous screen.
8. Click "Update Dashboard Defaults"
And now that the lists are enabled, you should see a button in the toolbar to "Update Dashboard Defaults", Click this and confirm any prompts that it brings up.
9. Click "Custom Project List Settings"
Then Return to the Custom Project Lists and you should now have the default lists populated.
10. Select the Default "All" list
Default Lists cannot be edited, but they can be toggled on and off. WIth the only exception being the All List as it is used by dashboards. To customise lists we can either copy an existing list and modify it, or we can create a new list entirely from scratch. To copy an existing list, first select it from below.
11. Sorting Order
You can see on the default Lists that you can still change the sorting order if you prefer.
12. Select the Duplicate button
To Copy the List, select the Duplicate button in the toolbar at the top of the screen.
13. A new Copy is made
This will create a complete copy of the default list, but you will be able to modify all aspects of this one. Alternatively you can create an entirely new List
14. Click the + to create a new List
First return to your Project Dashboard Lists page. From there you can create a brand new list by clicking the + button
15. Fill "New List"
This will Create an entirely new List that you can also configure however you need.
16. Set these as you need
For Either a brand new list or a copy of a list, you can configure the name, the colour of the list in the dashboard, the rank and whether or not the list is active.
17. Which roles can see the List
You can set which roles will be able to view the list.
18. Total Only List
Whether the List is a Total Only List. This means the List will just show a dollar total instead of a count in the dashboard.
19. Total Only Options
If you Enable Total Only, you will see two new options appear. Can Click through, will allow you to click on the list in the dashboard to see the records that make the total. Column to Total allows you to select a column to add up to reach the total you wish to display.
20. Dev Options
The last Few Options, allow you to configure a mass update button, and additional tables to include for filtering later on. These column should generally only be used by a Project Dev as they are a bit more advanced in their use.
21. Click "Projects Dashboard: Custom List - All [COPY]NameColor#5794DA#74B749#E66700#F1524C#AC725E#7E53C6#607D8B#3E50B4#009587#EEEEEERank1ActiveYesRoles That can View this ListList is Total onlyNoSort By..."
The next section you will see is the Filter Section. This defines what records will show in the List. You can select any Column or Custom Field, and use a series of checks to determine your filters. In this example we only want open projects, which is controlled by the status column, so we filter only for projects where the status is 0. You may add as many Filters as you need, but each record must pass all the filters to show up in the list.
22. Click "Projects Dashboard: Custom List - All [COPY]NameColor#5794DA#74B749#E66700#F1524C#AC725E#7E53C6#607D8B#3E50B4#009587#EEEEEERank1ActiveYesRoles That can View this ListList is Total onlyNoSort By..."
The Last section will show you all the columns in the List. If you are using a new List, it will start by showing you the default columns, which cannot be edited. Note that when you copy an existing list, it will also copy the columns and you will be able to modify those freely. For New Lists though you can create your own columns.
23. Click the + to create a new Column
To create your own columns click the + at the top of the page.
24. Select the Project Column
On the new column you can configure several different things. Firstly select the project column you wish to display in your dashboard
25. Select your Display name
You can then type your preferred display name for that column
26. Header width
You can enter as a % or as a pixel count the width you want the column to be on the Dashboard. This allows you to give more screen space to columns likely to hold bigger data. If you leave this blank it will be auto-sized to fit
27. Header Style
You can also select a style that will format your data so you can display dates, or prices correctly
28. Lookup Table
If the column you are selecting would normally hold an ID, you can give it a lookup table to find the record with (for example if its a customer ID, you could set it customer table) When you select a lookup table it will also give you the option to select a lookup column (such as name) Whatever data this lookup returns is what will then be formatted by the other styling options
29. Lookup Table
Line value format allows you to format the data seperately to the column style, this is helpful for options fields, or things that might require more than a simple value such as a formula This field should also be left to project developers, as it contains options that can impact the performance of your list if done incorrectly.
30. Column Active
Finally you can determine whether you want the column to be active or not, if it is marked inactive it will not appear for anyone, you can do this if you are not sure if you want to delete it yet.
31. Click arrows to return to dashboard
Once you are happy with the new column you can return to the dashboard config
32. New Lists we made
You can see the copy and the new list we made from your main Dashboard Config menu.
33. Return to the Projects Dashboard
If we now return to the Projects List in the main module, we should see our new custom lists take effect.
34. New Lists
Here in our new Dashboard you can see the custom lists we have configured
Thank you for watching this guide on how to create and configure the custom lists in the Projects Module.