Explore the comprehensive guide on utilising the new Service Parts feature in Equipment M&S.
1. Click "Options"
Access the Options menu.
2. Click "Maintenance"
Navigate to the Maintenance section.
3. New Section for Servicing Parts
If we scroll down - we can see a new section for Servicing Parts is available. By default - this feature will be set to Off. With this new feature - we have two modes that it can be configured to - Parts and Inventory. For Parts Mode - this utilises the Sales Catalogue for the setup and the adding of additional parts used for Repair Items. For Inventory Mode - this works the same - however on the closeout of the Repair Parts - a new field is available to identify the Warehouse Location the Part was taken from - so that we can consume it. This is only for Catalogue Items of type Stock - and does not behave the same for Non Stock / Service Catalogue Items.
4. Click "Inventory"
For this example - we will be turning the Service Parts to Inventory Mode.
5. Click Back
Click back in the toolbar to continue.
6. Click Categories
Navigate to the Categories section.
7. Select a Category
Select a Category from the list to continue.
8. Click "Services"
Access the Services menu.
9. Servicing table shows Parts column
In the Servicing Table - a new column for Parts is available now since Servicing Parts was turned on. This will output the number of Parts that have been configured for this particular service - allowing the user at a glance to determine which services require setup if not already completed.
10. Select a Service
Right Click on a Service to Continue.
11. Click "Edit"
From the Popup - Select Edit.
12. Split screen - configuration on the Left - Parts on the Right
When Service Parts is enabled - the Service view on Categories now displays as a split view. Left hand side shows the configuration available for the Service - while the Right Hand Side displays the Parts currently configured.
13. Add New Part
Click on the Plus in the Toolbar to Add a New Part.
14. Add Part
In the Product field - select the Part required.
15. Enter Qty
In the Qty field - enter the Qty that should be commonly used for the desired part.
16. Alternatives for Product if main Product unavailable
The Alternatives are other Parts that can be used when the main Part is not able to be sourced - commonly a part produced by another manufacturer.
17. Click Back
When the fields have been entered - click back in the toolbar to continue.
18. Right Click on Part
If we want to Edit an existing item - Right Click on the desired Part.
19. Click "Edit"
Enter the Edit mode for the selected item.
20. Click Back
After the necessary fields have been edited - click back in the toolbar to continue.
21. Right Click
To Delete an Item - right click on a Part from the List.
22. Click "Delete"
Select Delete to remove the Part from the Service.
23. Click "Categories"
Once the Categories have had the Services configured with Parts - we can then do the same thing on Equipment to add in additional parts. Click on Categories from the Left Menu to continue.
24. Select Category
Select a Category to continue.
25. Select Equipment
Select a piece of Equipment where we want to add specific Parts to Services.
26. Click "Servicing"
Navigate to the Servicing section.
27. Services shows Parts
When Servicing Parts are enabled - the Parts column will be displayed - which will provide a count of Parts configured for the Service. This is based on the Category for the Equipment and also Parts allocated to that specific Equipment. Click on a Service to Continue.
28. Parts allocated to Service - from Category and Equipment
We can see that the current view shares the same layout as per the Category Service Parts view. The only thing that differs is the inclusion of another field - called Origin. Origin displays where the part has been configured for this particular service. Parts configured against the Category show their Origin as Category. Then any parts added to this service against this piece of Equipment will show their Origin as Equipment.
29. Add new Part
To add a new part - Click on the Plus in the toolbar.
30. Select Part
Under Product - select the applicable Part.
31. Enter Qty
Enter the Qty required for this Part.
32. Alternative Parts
If this part has any Alternatives - enter the applicable Parts.
33. Click Back
When the information has been entered - click back from the toolbar to continue.
34. Right Click
Similar to the Category view of Parts - we can edit and delete parts which have been alocated from the Category or to the Equipment. Right click on a Part to continue.
35. Edit or Delete
From the Popup - we get the option to Edit or Delete the Part selected - similar to the Category Service view. Do note that any changes to Parts that have an Origin of Category - either Editing or Deleting the Part - those changes will be made to the Part from the Category and subsequently to all Equipment that fall under it. This won't remove the item just for this piece of Equipment. This allows for quick bulk changes without the need to go back and forth between different Equipment and their respective Category.
36. Click back
When finished - click back in the Toolbar to continue.
37. Click back
Once all Services have been configured with the necessary Parts - click back in the toolbar to continue.
38. Changing Equipment
For this example - we will need to change to a different piece of Equipment as this one has pending services In Progress.
39. Click "Raise Service"
Now since we have swapped Equipment - from the Action buttons - select Raise Service.
40. Click on Service from dropdown
From the Pane - select the desired Service to be raised.
41. Click "Create Service"
With the Service selected - click on Create Service to continue.
42. Select Service
From the Scheduled Repairs section - select on the Service that was just raised.
43. Click "Start Repair"
Since we have the Service Parts enabled - Selecting Start repair will add any Part configured for this Service to the Repair item. Click on the Start Repair button to continue.
44. Click "Parts Used"
View the Parts Used in the repair process.
45. Parts allocated as apart of the Service setup
From the Parts View - we can see the Parts that have been automatically included as a part of the Service configuration.
46. Select Part
Select a Part to continue.
47. Pre filled Part and Qty based on setup
On the Part view - we can see that the Part and Qty Used have been pre-filled based on the configuration. Further to this - the Qty assigned is also visible so that if a change was made to the Qty Used - we would be able to see by how much it differs and if this trend continues - then it may mean the Qty Assigned as a part of the Service Part configuration needs to be adjusted accordingly. For the Part field - if Alternative Parts were configured - then the main and alternative parts would be selectable from the Part list.
48. Only available when Service Parts on Inventory Mode
Furthermore in the Parts view - we have the ability to select the Warehouse Location from where the Part was retrieved from. Currently this is only visible since the Servicing Part Mode is set to Inventory. Select the Warehouse Location field to continue.
49. Select Warehouse Location
The dropdown will provide a list of Warehouse Locations where this part is currently available to be selected from. Since the Warehouse Location field shows a combination of Warehouse and Locations - this means we only need to select one item instead of the traditional select a Warehouse then select a Location approach. Select the Warehouse Location to continue.
50. Enter completion Date
Fill in the Completion Date - this would be the Date the part was used on the piece of Equipment.
51. Fill in remaining Mandatory Fields
Ensure all Mandatory fields for the Part have been entered. As a part of this release - Custom Fields can be restricted to show only on Parts if configured but in this case - no Custom Fields have been configured.
52. Click "Use Part"
When complete - click on Use Part. This will push you back to the Part View on the Repair Item.
53. Add Part
From the toolbar - click on the plus button to add a new Part to the Repair Item.
54. Add Part
Since we are adding in a new Part to the Repair Item - the Parts dropdown will contain all Stock and Non-Stock / Service Items.
55. Non-Stock Item
In this example - we will be selecting a Non-Stock / Service Item from the list.
56. Enter Qty
Enter the Qty.
57. No Warehouse Location Field for Non-Stock Items
Since we have selected a Non-Stock item as the Part added - there is no Warehouse Location field available as Non-Stock items are not stocked so don't require consuming.
58. Enter Completion Date
Enter the Completion Date.
59. Click "Use Part"
When all necessary fields have been entered - click on "Use Part" to continue.
60. Click back
When All Parts have been reviewed and mandatory fields entered - click back in the toolbar to continue.
61. Closeout Repair by clicking on Complete Repair
Now with the Parts finalised - you can Create a Repair Form and fill in any remaining Mandatory fields on the Repair. For the Parts - you can either click on the Use Part button per Part - or you can wait until closing out the Repair to do this in Bulk. The Bulk approach will perform the necessary checks - Mandatory Fields and will warn about Low Stock Levels. Furthermore if the Expenses App is installed - an Expense Item will be generated for the Equipment linked and allocate itself based on the Repair Item type - ie Service, Fault, Breakdown or Defect. The expense item would be a single item - providing the total cost of that Repair.
This guide extensively covered navigating through KIM to configure Servicing Parts, manage inventory, initiate service requests, use parts, and complete repair processes in the Equipment M&S application. Thanks for Watching.