1. Click "Rate Cards"
First we will open up the Rate Card Menu

2. Select the Customer
Then we select the Customer that we want to modify the Rate Cards for.

3. Select the Catalogue Item you wish to Modify
Select the Catalogue Item you wish to modify the cost of

4. Here you can fill out the new Cost
Here you can see there is a new Cost Field where you can override the expected cost of the Catalogue Item. We are going to increase the expected cost for this Customer from $87 to $125.

5. Comparison between Catalogue and Rate Card
Now you can see the difference between the Catalogue Items listed cost and your new Rate Cards Cost

6. Click "Finished Editing"
If you are happy with the new Cost you can click "Finished Editing"

7. Click "Quotes"
Now we want to add our new Item to a Quote. So Navigate to the Quotes Dashboard in the Sales Module

8. Click "Draft"
We want to find a quote we can add items to, so here we will navigate to Draft Quotes

9. Select a Quote to add items to.
Select the Quote we wish to add items to.

10. Click here
Once in a section. go to the Add button to add some items to the quote.

11. Select the Item we created a custom cost for
Here we will select the same Item we added a custom cost to. You can see listed here are the default catalog costs of $87.

12. Click "Add Items"
Select "Add Items" to add the selected Items to the Quote.

13. The default cost has been overridden by the rate card
Now you can see on the line we added to the Quote, that the expected cost has been changed from the catalogues default of $87 to our Customer Cards $125