This guide provides detailed instructions on managing access restrictions and user permissions in the Kynection application.
1. Click "Options"
From the home dashboard, proceed to the equipment module and select the "Options" tab.
2. Click "User Rights"
Navigate to the "User Rights" section.
3. Click "Can Archive RepairManager Can Delete RepairManager Can Reset to DraftManager Supervisor"
New sections have been introduced, such as Equipment permission and Repair screen permission, to grant specific managerial permissions by selecting the desired options.
4. Choose an asset or piece of equipment
Navigate to the equipment section and access detailed information about the selected equipment by clicking on its specific name.
5. Here you can view both options 'Raise Service' and 'Perform Maintenance'.
When logged in as an admin user, both "Raise Service" and "Perform Maintenance" options are available under any equipment.
6. Choose repair
Next, go to the repair section and access detailed information about a specific repair task by clicking on its assigned number.
7. Click "ArchiveDeleteReset to DraftPrintRefresh"
As an admin user, you can view all options under the triple dots section from the Toolbar, including the "Delete," "Reset to Draft," and "Archive" options.
8. Click "Manager"
In this example, we have a test Account with the Manager Role assigned.
9. Click "Allocated"
In the previous step, we configured the User Rights section to display the "Perform Maintenance" button for the Manager role and the "Raise Service" button for the Supervisor role. In this example, since the test user is assigned the Manager role, we can only see the "Perform Maintenance" button and not the "Raise Service" button, as intended.
10. Click "Dash/Gauges/Warning Light Check"
Similar to before, the Manager role was configured to have access to all items under the Repairs section header, including Archive, Delete, and Reset to Draft. In this example, the "Delete" option is not visible because it's only available when the repair is not marked as complete. Completed repairs can only be deleted if the applicable role is set accordingly and the system user is an Admin user.
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