Discover the straightforward process of configuring a new service within Kynection. From transferring service data to establishing detailed service information, this guide will lead you through each crucial step, ensuring effective employee training.
1. Click "Options"
Proceed from the home dashboard to the equipment module, then access the options tab.
2. Click "General"
Under the new Servicing Configuration, you now have the capability to migrate the existing Category setup to the new structure. For setting up a new KIM Tools configuration, you can bypass the migration step and proceed to later sections of this guide. To initiate the migration process, select "General."
3. Click "Migrate Service Information"
Click on the "Migrate Service Information" button to initiate the transfer of the service data. A popup will appear, asking for confirmation to proceed in case of an accidental click. After confirming, you'll receive a final confirmation message once the migration process has been completed.
4. Click here
Once the Service Information has been Migrated - click the back button.
5. Click "Services"
With the recent Service Configuration update, a new option has been added called "Services." This feature facilitates the high-level setup of servicing information, aimed at minimizing the need for data re-entry. Please select "Services" to proceed.
6. New Services
In the Services view, you'll encounter a table displaying all currently configured services. For a new setup, this table will be empty. However, in this scenario, since we have migrated our servicing information, the table defaults to showing zeros. This occurs because categories can have mixed servicing requirements, making it impossible to set baseline servicing information for migrated services.
7. Click here
To create a new Service - click on the Plus icon in the toolbar. A popup will prompt for the entry of the Service name. Enter the applicable name and click on the Okay button to continue.
8. Enter Servicing Information as Required
On the Edit screen, you can input baseline information for kilometer, hour, and date servicing requirements. Additionally, you can specify a baseline expected duration for completing this service. Moreover, you can set the forecast of the service to either Variable (unchecked) or Fixed (checked). Opting for a Fixed forecast means that the next calculated service will align with the interval based on when the last service was due, rather than when the last service was completed.
9. Click here
Once the information has been entered - click on the checkmark in the toolbar to go back to the Services view.
10. Click here
With the new Service configured - we can go to the Category view to add this new service to the applicable Categories. Click on the back arrow to continue.
11. Click "Categories"
Access the categories section.
12. Select a Category to Add new Service to
Following the Service Configuration update, the Categories view has undergone enhancements. The table view has been slightly simplified and now presents all services configured against the category, along with displaying the Prestart Interval. Click on the relevant Category to proceed.
13. Click "Services"
he Category view has been revamped to include a Details and Services button. In the Details section, you'll find non-servicing information such as the parent group, prestart details, applicable prestart interval, and other configurable category information. The Services section showcases the currently configured services for this specific group, including the intervals of these services. Here, you can add additional services and link existing ones as needed. Click on the Services tab to proceed.
14. Click here
To add a new Service to the Group - Select the Plus icon in the toolbar.
15. Click "Service D"
Upon clicking the plus button, you'll encounter a pane featuring a combo box of services that can be added to this category. The displayed services will only include those that have not yet been added to this group. Please select a service to proceed.
16. Click "Add"
Click on the "Add" button to add the Service to the Group.
17. New Service added to the Group - with the baseline information carried over from the initial Service Creation.
Upon adding the new service, the baseline information configured earlier in the guide is automatically transferred, eliminating the need to re-enter the same information at the category level if the category is using the same servicing information. If the category requires the service but at a higher or lower interval, the servicing information can be easily edited at the category level.
18. Click here
Click the back button to go to the Group Service view.
19. Select a Service to link it to another
With the new Servicing Configuration, we can now link services together, creating a hierarchy of services that need to be completed in a specific order within a group. In this example, we aim to add our new Service D to Service C in this group, so that Service D takes precedence over Service C. Please right-click on the relevant service to proceed.
20. Click "Edit"
Choose the "Edit" option.
21. Click here
Select the Parent Service field.
22. Choose Parent Service
A list of applicable services will be displayed. In this example, we aim to select Service D as the parent for our Service C in this category. Please select the applicable service to proceed.
23. Click here
Once selected - click on the back button to continue.
24. Service configured as a Parent will now be reflected on the Table.
The table will now reflect the service parent of the modified service. The service calculations will consider the newly added service as more important than the linked service, suppressing it and any other lower-tier services from being raised. If we did not link the service, it would be treated separately and raised when deemed suitable.
25. Click "Upcoming/Overdue Service"
Navigate to the section for upcoming or overdue services.
26. View updated to reference new Service Configugrations
The Upcoming/Overdue Services view has been updated to align with the new Service Configuration. Furthermore, the view has been enhanced to refrain from displaying or calculating next servicing information if no interval has been configured. This prevents any services from being falsely flagged as overdue.
This guide covered the comprehensive process of configuring a new service in Kynection, including migrating service information, setting service details, and linking a Service to another. Follow these engaging instructions to streamline your employee training process effectively. Thanks for watching.