Explore the new NHVR Report feature in the Asset M&S module in KIM. Engage with the steps provided to enhance your understanding of self-auditing and NHVR maintenance requirements efficiently.
1. Click "NHVR Report"
To begin, access the equipment module from the home dashboard. Then, click on the NHVR report tab.
2. New - NHVR Report
This is the NHVR Report which is available for anyone using the Equipment M&S module in the KIM system. As you can see - the report provides the necessary output to meet your NHVR Maintenance requirements.
3. Filter
Click on the Filter icon in the toolbar to setup and filter the report as required.
4. NHVR Report Filters
As you can see - the Report contains the baseline filters of Project, Region and Flag. Further to this - you can define the reporting period by adjusting the Start and End Dates as required.
5. Once filters have been set - click View
Once the necessary Equipment Categories, Annual Service and required from templates are configured - click on the View button to run the report based on the new filters configured.
6. Enter Remarks as required
Once the report is filtered and is run - you can add in per section remarks for the information being displayed which will be made available on the PDF export.
7. Additional Remarks
Further to each section having the ability to capture remarks - you can also capture additional remarks. As mentioned for the previous remarks being available on the PDF export - the Additional Remarks are also made available in the PDF export.
8. Existing Signature or prompt for signature
In this example - the signature has been pre-filled as the system has record of a previously used signature for our account. If your account has not registered an account signature - then a signature button will appear and once click - will prompt the user to sign on Web. When complete - the signature will be visible in the Report and will be reused for future use by this report and other portions of the system as required.
9. PDF Export
Once the Report has been finalised and signed - you can export to PDF so that you can provide this to an auditor or keep for your records.
10. Go to Categories
As a part of the new NHVR Report being made available - there is also the addition of a few new Equipment Custom Fields to aid in capturing the required information needed against the equipment for NHVR Maintenance reporting. To continue - click on Categories.
11. Click on applicable Category
Go to the applicable Category that would contain equipment that would require NHVR Maintenance reporting to be completed against.
12. Choose a piece of Equipment
Go to one of the Equipment in that particular category.
13. NHVR Report - Baseline Custom Fields
Click on the edit pencil in the toolbar to continue.
14. Fill in the NHVR Maintenance #
If you scroll down - you will find the additional new Custom Fields that would have been added as a part of Release #3 of the Equipment M&S Module - being "NHVR Maintenance #", "NHVR Entry Date" and "NHVR Exit Date". For Equipment that will be running under the NHVR Maintenance Scheme - enter the applicable information into the "NHVR Maintenance #" field.
15. Enter Entry Date
Enter the Date at which the Equipment will start to run under the scheme in the "NHVR Entry Date" field.
16. Enter Exit Date if applicable
If the equipment is historical or has exited the scheme - enter the "NHVR Exit Date" as required.
This guide walked you through utilising KIMs Equipment M&S App for NHVR Report access, self-auditing, empowering you to manage your NHVR maintenance needs.