This tutorial will guide you through the essential procedures for efficiently navigating the HSEQ Module within the Kynection platform. From document access to form submission, you'll discover how to maximize your use of this employee training software.
Go to
1. Click "Knowledge Base"
Begin by accessing the Knowledge Base within the HSEQ section.
2. Click the +
This functions as a centralized hub for sharing your policies, procedures, work instructions, SOPs, and other publications. You have the flexibility to manage access and make edit permissions for these documents. Click on the plus symbol to create various folders and groups for organizing your documents.
3. Click on a Document
You can upload documents, save them as attachments, copy and paste text directly into KIM, and even create documents from scratch. KIM features robust security controls to safeguard your documents, including those that are in a draft state. Click on an article.
4. Click here
In this example, we have selected the company mission statement. Furthermore, we have the capability to create cloud links to your data storage drives, such as Google or Microsoft.
5. Click "Approval"
Navigate to the Approval section to officially endorse any document.
6. Click "History"
Select the History tab to review the document's timeline and track any modifications that have been made.
7. Click "Non Conformance Report (NCR)"
Explore our registers by clicking on the Non-Conformance register.
8. Click "Abraham, Peter"
Here, you can access details such as the date, the linked project, the involved contacts, the type of non-conformance, status, the responsible person, and the number of tasks completed for that particular form.
9. Click here to Download
In this example, we've selected the Corrective Preventive Action Request (CPAR). You can view all the form details and have the option to download it as a PDF, Excel, or CSV by clicking the cloud icon.
10. Click "SWMS"
Navigate to the Statement of Work Method Safety (SWMS) section.
11. Click a SWMS
In this instance, we are illustrating the Statement of Work Method Safety for the Hydrostatic Testing of Pipelines.
12. Click "Major"
This SWMS includes the risk matrix, consultation sign-off, and a detailed list of associated risks. Additionally, you can review the control measures, required the personal protective equipment (PPE), and all other relevant information.
13. Click to Download
As we delve into the work activity, more detailed specifications about control measures and safety are provided. Once again, you have the option to download the SWMS as a PDF, Excel spreadsheet, or CSV by clicking the cloud icon.
14. Click "ISO"
You can access your ISO documentation, including your 9001 Quality, 45001 Health and Safety and 14001 Environment standards.
15. Click "ISO 9001 - Quality Audit
Let's use the ISO 9001 Quality Audit document as an example.
16. Click "Info"
Here, you can observe all the sections and subsections of the audit document, with the ability to delve deeper by clicking on a line item or accessing the information tab.
17. Click "ITP Activities"
Let's open the Inspection Test Plans (ITP) Activity section, which plays a crucial role in ensuring accountability for the required inspections.
18. Click on a ITP Activity
Access an Inspection Test Plan
19. Click "Near Miss / Hazard / Incident Report
Here, you can view all the specifications of the Inspection Test Plan, including details about its creator, current stage, the activity, and more. Additionally, you have the capability to upload any photos to the form. Now, let's examine the Near Miss, Hazard, and Incident Reports.
20. Click "Ky Admin"
You can access all of our near-miss, hazard, and incident reports in this section. Under the respective subheadings, you'll find information such as the client, the outcome, the date and time of occurrence, the injured party, the resulting outcome, and the current status.
21. Click "Info"
Upon clicking a report, you can view all the specifications related to the accident. Further details and all signatures associated with the document can be accessed by clicking on "info."
22. Click "Toolbox Meeting"
Navigate to the Toolbox Meeting section.
23. Click a Toolbox Meeting
Here, you can find all your Toolbox Meetings stored.
24. Click "Toolbox Meeting
In this section, you can access all the information related to the Toolbox Meeting, including the attendee sheet, topics covered, questionnaires, and much more.
25. Click "Submit"
After completing the Toolbox Meeting, be sure to submit the form.
26. Click "Risk Register"
Let's explore the Risk Register section.
27. Click on a hazard
Select a hazard to view.
28. Click here
Here, you can view the work activity, the inherent consequence, the inherent probability, control measures, roles, and responsibilities related to the selected hazard.
29. Click "SWMS Templates"
Let's navigate to the SWMS Templates section.
30. Click "SWMS-005: Excavation, Trench Protection & Pipelaying"
In this section, you have the ability to create, duplicate, and view multiple SWMS, which is particularly useful for companies that need to generate a high volume of these documents daily.
31. Click "Activities Steps"
In this interface, you can add as many work activities as needed, specify the division, indicate the required PPE, and include any other template fields of your choosing.
32. Click "Exceptions"
Additionally, there is an exception reporting feature available.
33. Click "+"
Here, you can view all the expectations, non-expectations, and missing risks through the exception reporting feature.
34. Click "Chemical Register'
Let's access the Chemicals Register.
35. Click a Hazardous Chemical
Let's examine the Acid Hazard form.
36. Click here
This register provides information such as the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), the issue date, acute and chronic risk factors, the exposure details, the storage instructions, and first-aid requirements for acid hazards.
37. Click "Dashboard"
Finally, let's explore the dashboard.
38. Click "number⬇date⬇reportedBy⬇division⬇project⬇address⬇client⬇outcome⬇description⬇notifiable⬇injuredPerson⬇workerAddress⬇age⬇occupation⬇industry⬇dateTimeOfInjury⬇natureOfInjury⬇causeOfInjury⬇1193 Mar 2022..."
You have the convenience of accessing all these reports in one central location. You can open and review any report at your discretion, and since forms are filled out in real-time, you can stay updated on the latest information. Furthermore, the system operates offline, automatically saving initiated forms as drafts. This flexibility allows you to submit them when you choose, ensuring that no data is ever lost.
In this guide, we've covered the fundamental steps for using the HSEQ module. You've gained insights into accessing documents, navigating various sections, submitting forms, and more. Armed with this knowledge, you are well-equipped to effectively utilize the software for employee training purposes.