Look for the duplicate equipment you would like to merge. This is a vital step, define which equipment needs to stay and confirm. The steps below will go through the steps of looking for any forms, jobs etc and re-assigning the owner to the correct piece of equipment
Go to kynection.upvise.com
1. Click "Forms"
Find the piece of equipment and go through the forms/jobs/monitoring defects.
2. Select a form
3. Click the edit pencil
4. Click the equipment field - update to the correct piece of equipment
5. Fill accordingly
6. Click the tick icon
You will now notice that the form you updated is no longer against the duplicate equipment. Please go through this process for any thing else attached to the equipment. Once this has been completed, archive the vehicle.
7. Click here
8. Archiving the duplicate equipment is the last step
This is the most important step, to avoid further confusion